dinsdag 7 juni 2011

My friends

Hello beautiful readers

Yesterday I promised a picture with me and my friends, well here it is!

From left to right:
Babs, Jessica, Fleur, Roos

And a not-close up, so with our clothes
I'm bending over becouse if I wouldn't I would be to big becouse of my heels. (:

As you can see, we are really different girls, with different styles. We're crazy but yeah, deal with it.

They are the best friends I can wish, they really helped me a lot with my problems, so that's the best reason why I love them, but ofcourse I also love them becouse they are my best friends. ♥

Later today the fashion-blog, first I'm going to eat and skateboard. ;D

Lots of love,
Jessica ♥

4 opmerkingen:

  1. ' As you can see, we are really different girls, with different styles. We're crazy but yeah, deal with it.'
    klopt helemaal! haha
    ik hou echt super veel van jullie♥
    echt lief dat je dit in je blog zet♥

  2. An as you know, dear Jessica, I am a beautiful Photo Girl! I took the picture :P

  3. i love you very very very much ♥♥♥♥♥♥
